Contractor Management Knowledge Center

Contractor management is an important aspect of occupational safety, as safety risks tend to increase as more contractors are added into a workplace. Get the latest information on contractor management here.

Contractor Management Webinars

Nearly every business outsources some aspects of its operations and it’s becoming increasingly difficult for organizations to ensure their third-party workforce is a pillar of strength for…
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Artificial intelligence (AI) and Safety Managers together hold an enormous potential for construction jobsite safety in near future. The scope of relevant technologies like computer vision ranges…
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In this webinar, we'll cover how an effective asset management system can not only save costs and extend the life of your equipment, but also improve the safety of your workplace.
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Join us for a webinar discussing suggested guidelines for leading and lagging indicators in 2021, how to track a contractor's safety, auditing safety programs, and much more.
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Contractor Management Downloads

Legislation should not be the primary motivation for managing occupational safety and health in the workplace. On the other hand, laws and regulations have been formulated specifically to protect the…
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Control of Work (CoW) is defined as a coherent, interconnected system of safety management processes, technologies, tools, and applications that ensure ongoing safety and productivity throughout the…
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The safety culture of an organization is the product of individual and group values, attitudes, perceptions, competencies and patterns of behavior that determine the commitment to and the style and…
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There’s a new acronym that needs to become familiar to leaders in heavy industry. It’s DOX and it stands for Digital Operational Excellence. It represents a strategic move toward advanced digital…
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