Q&A With Our Experts

No stupid questions here. Safeopedia staff have answered many commonly asked Environmental, Health, & Safety questions and also assembled a number of EH&S Professionals who will answer your questions in basically any area of EH&S.


If you ever read anything about heat-related hazards, you’ll encounter a lot of references to heat stress. That makes sense. It’s the thing workers have to worry about if they do a lot of…
It’s common knowledge that burns come in degrees. And almost everyone knows that first degree burns are the least severe, while third degree burns are a serious cause for concern. But few…
The safety committee is tasked with one of the most important responsibilities in the workplace: ensuring that everyone can work safely and get through their shift without being injured. They do this…
Checklists are a simple but highly effective safety tool. Using a checklist during safety inspections is a good way to ensure that: Workplace conditions are checked thoroughly The inspection process…
Repetitive strain injuries (RSI) can be challenging to prevent because they have a way of sneaking up on you. That’s because the movements that cause an RSI really don’t seem that…
An employee slips at work and injures their ankle. They can still walk, but slowly and with a noticeable limp. Every few steps, they wince in pain. The supervisor advises them to have the injury…
Since the Occupational Safety and Health Act was enacted in 1970, its section on inspections has remained largely unchanged – but not unchallenged. The way it is written leaves room for…
Answered by: Daniel Clark
Safety and Quality Management System Specialist
Your hard hat is the last line of defense between impact hazards and one of the most important parts of your body. When you put it on your head, you need to be confident that it will be able to…
The arc rating of a material is a measure of how well it can protect the wearer from burns resulting from arc flashes. Sounds simple enough. But it gets a bit more complicated, because there are…
No one wants to be inside a semi trailer when it tips. That’s why it’s important to make sure every trailer is fully stabilized before being loaded or unloaded. At its most basic, that…
Most people think that a safety professional’s job is to prevent workplace accidents. But if you listen to safety professionals talk, they almost never mention accidents. Instead, they’ll…
We’re all quite familiar with air temperature. We know that we can measure it by setting out a thermometer, and that we can use the reading from the thermometer to decide how we should dress…
Answered by: Daniel Clark
Safety and Quality Management System Specialist
The short answer is: yes, your flame-resistant (FR) clothing can be customized with logos, name tags, and embroidery. But the full answer is: it depends! While there are certainly ways to customize…
Flame-resistant clothing is an essential last line of defense against fire hazards. Whether it is made of self-extinguishing fabrics or regular materials that have a been chemically treated, taking…
The answer is right in the name. Oil and gas personnel spend their workdays in close proximity to large quantities of flammable materials, such as petrochemicals, hydrogen sulfide, and vapors that…
What kind of clothing you'll need in a clean room depends on the type of clean room you're entering. Even clean rooms of the same level will have different features. The appropriate apparel…
Toxic gases can be produced by materials deliberately used or stored in confined spaces, can be produced by natural processes, can be accidentally introduced into the space, or in the case of sewers…
It can only take seconds to succumb to a hazardous atmosphere in a confined space. That’s why investing in high-quality gas detectors is one of the most important steps you can take to protect…
Answered by: Chad Schmidt
Business Development Manager - Western Canada
Though there might be a debate over how often to wash FR clothing, it is impossible to avoid entirely. Like any other garment, FR clothing will get soiled and need to be laundered. While washing your…
What Is a Confined Space? A confined space is a workspace that limits free movement while working, especially with regard to safe entry and exit. A relatively large space like a railway tank car is…

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Jamie Young


I believe that everybody has the right to get home safely to their families. Anything I can do to help promote and achieve a safe working…

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Safety as We Know it – is Killing Your Business
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Safeopedia Staff


At Safeopedia, we think safety professionals are unsung superheroes in many workplaces. We aim to support and celebrate these professionals and the…

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