Contribute to Safeopedia

Want to write for Safeopedia?

Safeopedia's mission is to create the single most comprehensive environmental health & safety resource for EHS professionals. We're always looking for writers with experience in the industry to help us in our mission. If you're part of the EHS community, know the business, and want to share on-the-ground experience with other professionals, Safeopedia wants to hear from you.

So Why Should You Contribute?

Recognition as an expert

This is a great opportunity to develop a following and gain recognition for being a leader in your field of expertise.

We Share the Work

We’ll double-check your work for grammatical and spelling errors while also formatting it to look its best on our site.


If your piece is selected for promotion, we’ll share it on our homepage and across our social media channels.

Join Today!

Joining our team is simple and easy. To be considered, just email our Editorial Staff, and we will contact you as soon as possible to discuss your article idea.

Write For Us

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