
Ted Smith


Ted Smith is the CEO and President of Corvex.

Q&A by Ted Smith

  • Why do so many real engagement programs fail?

    As studies reveal the impact of engagement, it’s become a buzzword not just within the manufacturing industry, but globally among most industries. Unfortunately many engagement programs fail because they’re based on...

  • What is a worker-powered organization?

    Unfortunately, a large component of failure for digital transformation is the mindset that technology, and specifically software, should be focused on transactions. Historically that has meant reducing the amount of paper...

  • How can I give my team a worker powered mindset?

    The daily experience of the average worker has become increasingly complex. With ever-increasing responsibilities and a broadening scope of their jobs, workers are still being treated as they were a century ago. They’re...

  • Can connected safety and smart PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) really improve safety?

    In the world of industrial safety, forward-thinking manufacturers are turning personal protective equipment (PPE) into personal preventive equipment – giving workers the power to proactively address specific safety risks in...

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