Who We Are
Safeopedia was founded in 2010 with the mission of supporting and celebrating safety professionals in the workplace and reinforcing safe work practices. Safety professionals are unsung heroes in many workplaces. They work hard every day to ensure that their co-workers go home safe and sound. We aim to support and celebrate these professionals and the work they do by providing health and safety information that is free, accessible and addresses the specific needs of safety professionals everywhere.
Why We’re Here
Safety standards, best practices, innovation and legislation are constantly changing. There are thousands of formal and informal safety committees, dozens of safety certifications and thousands of courses.
We aim to be the simple resource safety professionals turn to for all things safety. Our site includes a comprehensive health and safety dictionary of more than 2,000 safety terms, thousands of safety articles on a range of topics, and live presentations hosted by industry leaders. We also have a job board and dedicated resources to help safety professionals find or change careers, and a growing community of hundreds of safety professionals across North America and worldwide.
History of Safeopedia
- 2015: Safeopedia’s website is launched, focusing on providing free safety information to professionals worldwide.
- 2018: Safeopedia forms a strategic Partnership with ADHQ.com, providing the Safeopedia community with access to dozens of world-class manufacturers and their technical expertise.
- 2020: Safeopedia launches Safety Connect Virtual Conference, which brings together safety professionals for networking, professional development and fun!
- 2022: Safeopedia launches the Safeopedia Community, an online community with hundreds of engaged safety professionals.

The Safeopedia Family
Management Team
Scott is the co-founder and CEO of Safeopedia.com. He has a background in helping companies in the energy sector leverage technology to improve the quality of operational information and, ultimately, improve productivity, effectiveness and safety. His work in the energy industry helped him realize both how important safety is and how splintered it is across the industry. As a technology guy with the desire to help improve the culture of health and safety, Scott realized he could help the industry help itself by creating a platform for individuals, companies, associations, safety professionals, and suppliers to collaborate and learn from each other.
Jamie is the co-founder and COO of Safeopedia. After spending more than 20 years in the construction industry, he’s seen his share of accidents and near misses and was empowered to spread the best safety industry experience throughout the world. He’s on a mission to create the single most comprehensive resource for environmental health and safety professionals worldwide.
Editorial Team
Mathieu has been the Senior Editor at Safeopedia since 2016.
Samantha Simmons is the Marketing Director at Safeopedia and a digital marketing specialist with a background working with small businesses.
Experts and Contributors
Bryan is a writer, podcaster, presenter and moderator at Safeopedia. He began his career as the safety officer and Senior Trainer for Philips Lighting, where he reduced OSHA recordable accidents by 50% in his first year. He now works as a safety advisor, author and speaker who has spoken about safety worldwide.
Karoly is an expert contributor for Safeopedia.com. He has worked in safety management for nearly 20 years, focused mostly in the construction and manufacturing industry.
Daniel is an expert contributor for Safeopedia.com, a safety consultant, and the founder and president of Clark Health and Safety Ltd, which provides safety and quality consultation for companies in Calgary, Alberta. He’s worked in health and safety for more than 10 years.
Gabe is the co-host of the Safeonomics podcast and the president of BBL Safety. His background is in corporate finance.
Sarah is the host of the Hard Hats & Heart podcast and the founder of Evolving Innovation, a safety technology and ergonomic solutions company.
Gary is the host of The Uncertainty Of podcast as well as a Complexity Facilitator at Gary Wong & Associates, where he has consulted on complexity thinking and safety for more than 20 years.
Jonathan is an expert reviewer for Safeopedia.com and the CEO of J.Smith Safety, a professional congregation of EHS and training professionals.
Steven is an expert reviewer for Safeopedia.com and a system safety manager at the City of Houston. He’s been working in health and safety for more than 20 years, including acting as member of the board for a number of key safety organizations.
Patrick is an expert reviewer for Safeopedia.com and the President at CQ Network, a company that creates web-based contractor management software.
Karen is an expert reviewer for Safeopedia.com and a regulatory expert and trainer at HalenHardy LLC, a company that specializes in spill and sediment control. She’s worked in environmental health and safety for more than 25 years.
Andrew is an expert reviewer for Safeopedia.com and the Director of EHS at RPSIG. He’s worked in environmental health and safety for more than 20 years.
Malcolm is an expert reviewer for Safeopedia.com and a safety consultant and coach with nearly 20 years of experience in environmental health and safety.
Lisa is an expert reviewer for Safeopedia.com and a global workplace wellness trainer and certified executive coach at the Workplace Wellness Center for Excellence. Her background is in wellness, nutrition, fitness and corporate wellness programs.
Robert an expert reviewer for Safeopedia.com and a Fall Protection Solution Provider at Pursuit of Safety. He has more than 40 years of experience in health and safety, especially fall safety.
Editorial Standards
Safeopedia’s mission is to support and empower safety professionals with accurate safety information and resources. We aim to ensure that all content on our site is accurate, helpful and inclusive. As such, all new and updated content is fact-checked and reviewed by an expert in the field.
While Safeopedia is advertiser supported, we are always clear about where advertisers were involved. All ads and advertiser-sponsored content is clearly labeled. We adhere to the Federal Trade Commission Guidelines on advertiser disclosures where it applies.
Each article features a byline that includes the contributor’s name and a link to their profile with more information about them. The date on each piece of content indicates the last time it was updated.
Our editorial team evaluates the content on the site as a whole on an ongoing basis, and aims to continually update older content as long as it continues to provide value. Older articles are regularly reviewed and updated, re-written or archived.
We welcome readers’ participation in our commitment to accuracy. If you believe something we’ve published is inaccurate or in need of attention, please contact us so we can investigate.
If you have a comment or suggestion to share, feel free to contact us by visiting our contact us page. We look forward to hearing from you.
Join Us
The more we work together to harness the collective genius of the industry, the more valuable Safeopedia will become. Join the movement today and help us make the world a safer place.