What Does
Contractor Safety Management System Mean?
A contractor safety management (CSM) system is a collection of integrated management processes that is used to control the risks associated with contractor management on an ongoing, real-time basis. These systems are a form of risk control and are usually provided in whole or in part by an external third-party contractor management firm.
Outsourcing contractor safety management to a third-party firm may involve that firm acting strictly as an advisory consultant to deliver a site-specific safety plan to be administered by the employer in-house. Alternately, the consulting firm may provide both the infrastructure and ongoing administration of the contractor safety management system for the duration of their contract with the employer.
Safeopedia Explains Contractor Safety Management System
Contractor safety management systems are holistic systems that manage all forms of safety risk associated with contractor work. Their effective operation depends on compliance with a variety of consensus safety standards, particularly safety management standards such as ANSI/AIHA Z10-2012 (Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems).
The Campbell Institute at the National Safety Council of the United States has identified the use of an external contractor pre-qualification system, such as a contractor safety management system, as being an essential best practice for managing safety risks associated with the use of contractors on a work site.
CSM Processes
CSM systems work to mitigate safety risks and to reduce general liability and other potential costs that are associated with the use of contract workers. Common criteria addressed within the scope of a system include:
- Contractor selection
- Qualification
- Performance agreements
- Training
- Day-to-day management
- Post-contract evaluation
- Continuous improvement
A common facet to many of these systems is the division of contractors into one of three risk categories, ranging from low risk to high risk.
CSM Software
Contractor safety management systems are often built around a dedicated software management solution. This software requires individual contractors to register all of their employees onto the system and to ensure that those employees have the pre-qualifications (e.g., competencies, licenses, etc) necessary to work on the job site.
Individual employees are then required to go through an induction program that may involve, for example, completing orientation and assessment exercises in order to verify their understanding of workplace safety policies and expectations.
After contractors are successfully accredited and at-work, employers may use the system to perform safety audits and inspections, and to manage and review ongoing contractor performance.