
Eye Strain

By Tabitha Mishra
Last updated: January 31, 2024

What Does Eye Strain Mean?

Eye strain is a condition that can cause significant discomfort and make it difficult to maintain visual focus. It is caused by activities that require intensive visual attention, such as looking at a computer or phone screen, watching television, reading, or driving long distances.

Eye strain is also known as eye fatigue and asthenopia.

Safeopedia Explains Eye Strain

Most workplaces are now equipped with a number of computers and tablets. Forms that used to be filled out manually have been replaced with electronic alternatives that must be filled out via computers or mobile devices. Children are also often required to used computers for their school work, in addition to having access to unprecedented amounts of screen time thanks to portable devices like laptops and smartphones.

As a result of this shift, eye strain has become a far more prevalent issue both in and out of the workplace.

Causes of Eye Strain

Looking at a screen at a close distance causes the eye lens to contract. Eye strain occurs when the lens doesn’t get a chance to relax due to prolonged screen time. Reading or driving for long periods can have the same effect.

A decrease in blinking when the eye is engaged for prolonged periods also results in more exposure to the air, causing moisture to evaporate from the eyes, which can worsen ocular discomfort. Blinking redistributes and replenishes the tear layer that keeps the surface across the cornea smooth. The drying of the tear layer creates holes in the film, making the corneal surface irregular, blurring vision.

Other causes of eye strain include:

  • Using incorrect prescription glasses
  • Insufficient or excessive lighting at the workplace
  • Doing detailed work requiring concentration, like drawing, sewing, writing, or crafting
  • Underlying eye health issues
  • Exposure to dry moving air (e.g. from air conditioning systems)

Dehydration can also contribute to eye strain since it impedes the production of tears, resulting in dry eyes that strain more easily.

Symptoms of Eye Strain

Symptoms of eye strain include:

  • Dry eyes
  • Watery eyes
  • Blurred vision
  • Sensitivity to light
  • A burning sensation in the eyes
  • Headache
  • Difficulty concentration

Eye strain can also cause neck, shoulder, and back pain. This happens when someone tries to compensate for their eye strain by hunching over their desk to get a closer look at their computer monitor, tilting their head so they face away from the light, and by other small shifts that result in a bad posture.

Preventing Eye Strain with Ergonomic Design

While computer monitors and mobile devices are inescapable in certain jobs, workspaces can still be designed in ways that reduce the risk of eye strain. Some helpful features include:

  • Large screen that can be easily viewed without straining to read
  • Computer monitors with easily adjustable brightness and contrast settings
  • Computers placed at the right distance from the seat (at least 18 to 30 inches from the eyes) and at a 90 degree angle to windows and light sources
  • Curtains, blinds, or window tinting to prevent glare and excessive brightness
  • Encouraging regular breaks (every 20 minutes or so) so employees can look away from their screens and give their eyes a chance to relax
  • Making eye drops available to help lubricate eyes if they are prone to dryness
  • Providing cool drinking water, electrolyte drinks, or other beverages to help workers stay hydrated

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Eye Fatigue

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