
What features should I look for when choosing mobile safety software?

By Alex Zagvazdin | Last updated: December 5, 2018
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1. Intelligent Forms

Intelligent forms dynamically change for users based on who’s using them, where they’re using them, and what they're doing. When a user logs in and syncs with their mobile device, all their approved forms are updated, and tasks and notifications are instantly available to them. With intelligent forms, users only see the data that makes sense for them, automatically hiding and skipping irrelevant fields.

2. Offline-First Functionality

Most applications with offline capabilities still risk providing a poor user experience when a connection is unavailable. An offline-first app provides a seamless user experience whether the user is online or offline. Captured data is stored on a device, and the app displays the full user experience without connectivity.

3. Automated Tasks, Workflows, and Notifications

Automation is a critical feature to consider when shopping for a mobile solution. Not only does automation speed up processes and communications, but the right mobile app can accelerate your entire operation by pre-populating information, kicking off operational alerts, sending notifications, and automatically triggering Corrective and Preventive Actions (CAPAs).

4. Photos, Markups, and File Embedding

Mobile software that takes full advantage of a device’s built-in camera can greatly enhance the QA/QC process. With in-app markup, users can use their finger to simply circle a specific area on a photo. This helps avoid confusion while clarifying detail

s and provides a visual record of the violation. Embedding these images directly in forms keeps documentation and media together in a concise, clear package.

5. Customization

A mobile platform should meet your exact requirements while seamlessly integrating with existing systems and processes. It should also look how you need it to look, work how you need it to work, and rapidly deploy to your organization. Look for a third-party solution that allows you to customize the entire look, feel, and functionality of your application without waiting years to go live.

6. Deployment Options

You’ve probably also crossed paths with a few technology sales reps claiming that their preconfigured solution can satisfy all your requirements and get you up and running in no time. Most off-the-shelf solutions can’t be customized, and the way your company operates is far too unique for a rigid platform.

Look for solutions that offer “black box” or integrated deployment options, on-premise (on-site) deployment, and flexible customization features.

7. Professional Services

If you're looking to ensure that your organization is operating as efficiently as possible, a good professional services team will work with you to determine how to best use technology to streamline your operations.

They'll analyze your existing processes and workflows, find areas to tweak and improve, and work with you to implement automation into your business. This expert guidance will help you find innovative new ways to expedite the distribution of action plans, tasks, alerts, and CAPAs.

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Written by Alex Zagvazdin | VP of Product

Alex Zagvazdin
Alexander Zagvazdin is a veteran technologist and industry thought leader with a focus on mobile innovation and product development. Currently serving as the VP of Product at WorldAPP, Alexander holds a PhD from Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics in Speech Signal Processing. His previous roles in his 12-year tenure at WorldAPP include serving as the company’s Product Manager, Director of Technology, and CTO.

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