What Does
Smoke Hood Mean?
Smoke hoods are designed for use during fire-evacuation, are heat-resistant and provide up to 30 or 60 minutes of air purification. They are intended solely for evacuation and not for fire-fighting purposes. A minimum of 15 minutes’ protection against smoke inhalation is required and the hood is suitable for one use only. Smoke hoods are also referred to as air-purifying respiratory protective smoke escape devices.
Safeopedia Explains Smoke Hood
Smoke hoods are generally required as part of fire emergency equipment in multi-storey buildings and commercial airlines as well as in oil and gas installations. Federal regulations and standards are applied to smoke hoods and NIOSH approval is a requirement. Even when unused, smoke hoods have a limited life-span that can be determined by checking the expiration date. In fire emergencies, smoke inhalation presents a real risk during evacuation and the smoke hood is intended to eliminate the risk of inhaling toxic gases during emergency evacuation.