What Does
Explosive Liquids Mean?
OSHA defines explosive liquids in the same way as combustible liquids, by specifying the lower and upper flammable limits (LFL and UFL) as the range in which these liquids present an ignition hazard. Combustion of certain liquids can have explosive effects depending on the temperature, pressure and volume of gases in the air. It could therefore be said that combustible liquids have the potential to cause explosive reactions and are therefore explosive liquids.
Safeopedia Explains Explosive Liquids
Combustible and explosive liquids have to be stored, handled and used in such a way that the risk of unintentional ignition or explosion is minimized. For example, OSHA/VOSH 29 CFR 1910.106 specifies that flammable liquids should be stored in approved containers in a facility (cabinet or room) constructed in accordance with OSHA specifications and with warning signage indicating a fire hazard and prohibiting smoking. No activity that could give rise to sparks should be allowed in such an area. Fire control devices must be at hand and allowances must be made for easy evacuation of the facility in the event of a fire or explosion.