
Upper Exposure Limit

Last updated: May 11, 2017

What Does Upper Exposure Limit Mean?

An upper exposure limit (UEL) is the maximum concentration of a chemical, radiation or sound to which workers may be exposed continuously for a short period of time, usually 15 minutes, without any danger to health, organ damage, injury or work efficiency.

Safeopedia Explains Upper Exposure Limit

UELs are referred to in occupational safety and health, industrial hygiene and toxicology. These are established concentrations, which will not cause harm to the exposed workers if not exceeded. UELs are developed and periodically revised by concerned organizations and, therefore, vary widely. These limits are generally flexible and every country defines its own limits based on industrial experience and experiments. Some workers may experience discomfort even below the established limits or be affected more seriously due to a pre-existing condition. UELs are intended for use as guidelines and are not fine lines between safe and unsafe exposures.


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