
Condensate Gases

Last updated: February 8, 2017

What Does Condensate Gases Mean?

Condensate gases, also referred to simply as condensate or gas condensates, are the result of the transition of a gaseous substance into a liquid state due to a drop in pressure or temperature. Raw natural gas may come from three types of gas wells: crude oil wells, dry gas wells or condensate wells.

Natural condensate gases are a low-density mixture of hydrocarbon liquids, generally straight chain alkanes in the C2 to C6+ range, that have the property to condense from gas when the temperature and pressure drop sufficiently low. As a product derived from natural gas, they are valuable raw material for the production of motor fuels, as well as for chemical processes.

Safeopedia Explains Condensate Gases

Condensate gases are the result of the transition of a gaseous substance into a liquid state due to a drop in pressure or temperature. There are not only gas fields but also gas condensate fields in the subsurface of the planet. When pressure and temperature decrease as a result of drilling a well, condensate gases – a mixture of liquid hydrocarbons separated from gas – are formed.

The recovery of condensate gases from deposits is acquiring great significance in connection with the growth in natural gas production. They are generally recovered at atmospheric temperatures and pressures from wellhead gas production and can be produced along with large volumes of natural gas. There are many condensate sources worldwide and each has its own unique gas condensate composition that usually consists of hydrocarbons such as propane, butane, pentane, hexane, etc..


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