
Emergency Brake

Last updated: March 6, 2019

What Does Emergency Brake Mean?

An emergency brake is a type of auxiliary brake that is a separate brake system from the regular foot-pedal brake system in a motor vehicle. Emergency brakes are used in certain vehicles to provide a back-up system in the case of failure of the regular (hydraulic or air) brakes.

Emergency brakes are commonly used as a parking brake in automobiles.

The emergency brake is also known as a parking brake or handbrake.

Safeopedia Explains Emergency Brake

Construction vehicles pose a serious risk to construction workers. According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), over half of the worker fatalities in the construction industry are due to vehicles on construction jobsites. Ensuring that motor vehicles that enter a construction jobsite have a functional emergency brake system is a key safety and health rule.

As prescribed in OSHA standard 1926.601 titled Motor Vehicles, which is included in the Safety and Health Regulations for Construction, “All vehicles shall have a service brake system, an emergency brake system, and a parking brake system. These systems may use common components, and shall be maintained in operable condition”.



Parking Brake


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