What Does
Business Continuity Plan Mean?
A business continuity plan (BCP) is a plan that describes how a company will continue to function in the event of some kind of emergency, disaster, or incident.
It outlines the necessary steps and ongoing management processes that need to be applied to identify and protect business processes required to maintain an acceptable level of operations during a crisis.
Safeopedia Explains Business Continuity Plan
A BCP is put in place so that a business can continue running even in the event of a sudden, unexpected, or foreseeable interruption of regular day-to-day processes and supporting resources.
Disruptive events may constitute a serious health risk or adversely impact the overall reputation, profitability, or viability of the organization, which is why the business continuity plan outlines the ongoing management process to ensure continuity of core business processes during such events.
A BCP typically relies on a framework for incident response and recovery procedures to define alternatives for continuing critical services and organizational priorities and time frames.