Flora refers to all plant-life that occurs within a habitat or region. Usually, it refers to naturally occurring plants rather than those that have been introduced by man. Occasionally, the term also embraces the species of bacteria and fungi that occur. View Full Term
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Complacency can be just as dangerous as ignorance. Learn how reviewing safety moments can improve safety awareness among your workers.
Preparing properly for your next safety inspection will ensure that your company exceeds expectations. Find out what steps to take here.
There are practical steps you can take to improve indoor air quality without the help of a team of specialists.
Some common summertime activities may be putting your family at unnecessary risk. Keep your family safe with these quick tips.
Staying hydrated is an important part of workplace safety. Learn about the effects of dehydration and how to prevent them.
Most accidents happen in the home, not the workplace. Ensure your home meets the safety grade by using these three simple tricks.
The NFPA's Fire Diamond is a color code with critical information about hazardous substances. Learn how to crack the code and understand the risks.
Find out how lost time is calculated and what it means from a profit perspective.
CPR can help save a life. Find out how it does and where to get proper training.
Anyone who has experimented with alcohol has probably been subject to what is called a hangover. Movies have been made, songs written about it, and party glory stories almost always include a good piece on the hangover....
When it comes to W5 safety, it is important to know how to work and think in a safe manner, but it is also important to take control and keep calm in the event of an accident. Since some companies do not have strict accident...
"One day I had a couple of work trucks that I had to boost, as the batteries had died. I realized that I didn't have any cables, or a trickle charger, so I decided I was just going to have to improvise. I saw some scrap...
Need winter work boots? Learn about the elements to consider when choosing the right boot for the job.
Your CO monitor is there to alert you to a very real danger. But do you know what to do once it starts beeping?
Realistically, if this is your first time, this process will likely take you longer than 15 minutes. You may be faster or slower than this time. You have to consider your level of experience and take your time to do the job...
In cooler climates like Canada, many tractors sit idle during the winter months because it is simply too cold to operate the machinery safely. Thus, each season when the planting and harvesting seasons come around, it is...
Learn some helpful tips to help keep yourself germ free in public washrooms.
No matter where you are in the world, you have probably heard some horror stories about "life in camp," but many of these stories are just that, stories! Sure, camp life can be a tough and boring time, but so can life at...
Learn about the possible side effects of prolonged cell phone and Bluetooth usage, and how you can minimize the risks of microwave radiation.
In today's work world, we are constantly tasked with the responsibility of working to assist others, communicate with others, and provide reports to various levels of the company. It is almost impossible to have a career in...
Air pollution is on the rise. Learn how to monitor this new risk and keep your workplace safe and healthy.
Spring is upon us, and with all its new wonders, there are also many hazards that come along with it. Mudslides, falling rocks in mountainous areas, floods, thin ice, mudholes, slippery conditions, and many other hazards now...
What is a safety man or woman? A safety man or woman is a general term that covers some of the following occupational classifications in Canada and the US: Environmental health officer Health and safety officer Health...
Looking back on 2013, there are plenty of citations that occurred across North America, but some are more prevalent than others because of their common occurrence across multiple industries, as well as their inherent dangers...
It doesn't matter where you are in North America, ice on the roads or on the lakes can be hazardous. Even in Southern states like Arizona, ice can be a problem at certain times of year. The seasons in North American are...
Some people assume that working in an office cannot be as dangerous as working in the field, but that is only because they haven’t had any dangerous encounters at work. According to the National Fire Data Center's Topical...