
Does respirator fit testing require any training?

By Tracy Broyles | Last updated: December 13, 2018
Presented by Moldex

Respirator fit testing is an important step to ensuring the safety of workers exposed to a number of chemical, biological, or particulate hazards. So, you might be surprised to learn that OSHA doesn't require any specific training or certification to perform a respirator fit test.

But that doesn't mean you can't make a smart decision about who handles the testing.

OSHA notes that the individual assigned to perform the fit test should be able to follow detailed instructions and be familiar with various types of fit testing.

Assign testing duties to someone who knows how a well-fitted mask feels and is aware of the variables that can affect the fit. They should know, for instance, that growing or shaving off fac

ial hair can affect the respirator's ability to create the seal that protects the wearer from exposure.

Realize that the employer is ultimately responsible for the accuracy of the respirator fit test, so it's important to ensure that testers are well versed in both Qualitative and Quantitative Fit Testing protocols.

Finally, anyone charged with performing respirator fit tests should be instructed on how to keep excellent records of each test performed. This will ensure that the respirators are checked annually, which is required not only to remain compliant but also to keep employees safe while performing their work.

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Written by Tracy Broyles

Tracy Broyles
Ms. Broyles is a blogger, author, and freelance writer specializing in lifestyle, health, and legal topics. When she's not writing, you can find Ms. Broyles brushing up on her research, baking peculiar confections, cosplaying, or coaching her kids on the ball field.

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