We hear a lot about hydration but how can I actually tell? The easiest way is by the color of your urine.
Check out Bubba giving us guidance on some other tell tale signs and check out the Urine Color chart in the video. Remember, water is ESSENTIAL but water alone is not enough.
Jamie: What are some signs to know that I'm maybe dehydrated?
Bubba: The easiest way is the color of your urine. The military actually came out with a color chart in the 50s that is, depicts the color of the urine. The lighter color the better; the darker the worse, the worse it is. Pay attention: if it is dark, and you can smell it, whether you
39;re taking vitamins or not which would color your urine, and you can't tell the color, you can smell it. And most people know what I'm talking about. At this point, you are dehydrated to some level if the color is getting to be a darker color. The lighter the better. If you're clear, have no fear. If you're not, then you better drink some water and electrolytes to go along with it.
Jamie: I like that.
Bubba: Yeah,
Jamie: Clear, have no fear.
Bubba: You know, the one thing that I would, that I would say is, you know, hydration is key to overall health. Your bodily function absolutely depends on it.
(Learn more in Before Thirst: 6 Key Signs of Dehydration Workers Should Know – And Often Miss.)