North American Emergency Showers & Eye Wash (ESEW) Market is about
$250 million per year
ESEW Segments
Scope of ANSI Z358.1
This standard establishes minimum performance and use requirements for eyewash and shower equipment for the emergency treatment of the eyes or body of a person who has been exposed to hazardous materials. It covers the following types of equipment: emergency showers, eyewashes, eye/face washes and combination showers and eyewashes.
Register on the right for the complete guide to gain insight into how the new ANSI Z358.1-2014 Standard compares to the 2009 version and many more additional important facts.
The ESEW market Standard is ANSI Z358.1-2014. Compliance
with ANSI revolves around the following:
- Proper Installation according to Manufacturer’s Instructions
- Minimum Flushing Duration & Performance – all units must be able to meet a minimum of 15 minutes’ worth of flushing time for the eyes, body or both. Dependent upon the exposure type (hazardous material), the user should consult the MSDS, prior to contact, to determine what type of fixture is needed.
- Non-Injurious Flow – the flow from the fixture should be “soft spent”. In other words, the flow of the water should not be able to cause additional damage to skin or eyes.
- Fixture Location – A shower, eyewash, or combination unit must be located 10 seconds from an identified hazard. Generally speaking, this would be around 55 feet in distance. The area around and in the pathway should also be free of debris, temporary, or fixed equipment or structures.
- Signs & Lighting – The area where the fixture is placed needs to be well lit and should have adequate signing which points the end user to the fixture in the event of an emergency exposure.
- Employee Training on the usage of the Fixture – All employees who are potentially exposed to a hazard, should be thoroughly trained on the location of each unit and the proper usage of the fixture itself on an on-going basis.
- Regular Inspection – All eyewash, eye/face, or shower fixtures should be flow tested and inspected for the aforementioned each week. However, the exception of this would be self-contained units such as pressurized portables or gravity fed eyewashes, showers, or combination fixtures.
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