What Does
Lifting Point Mean?
The lifting point is the point at which lifting gear connects with the load it is hoisting.
Cranes and other lifting devices use slings made of chains or wire rope that are fastened to lifting points. Ensuring that these are securely attached is a critical step in preventing injuries and property damage when using these devices.
Safeopedia Explains Lifting Point
An object freely suspended at any height has the potential to cause bodily injury or damage to property if dropped. Ensuring that the right type of sling is used and that lifting points are secure is therefore critically important.
Types of Lifting Points
Lifting points can be fastened by welding or bolting. There are two types of lifting points:
- Rigid lifting points that consist of eyebolts or weldable eyes. These are inflexible and most often used for single-leg solutions where the pulling direction cannot be changed.
- Swiveling or folding lifting points, which are more flexible and used with multiple leg lifting slings.
Image from ProLift
Different options for lifting points include:
- Eyebolts made from high-tensile or stainless steel. These are screw-in bolt fixings that are available in different lengths and are screwed into a pre-tapped threaded hole.
- Eye nuts, which are similar to eyebolts but are nuts threaded to screw onto an existing bolt.
- Load rings (also known as swivel eyebolts) are threaded lifting points that are rated for a variety of angles, allowing greater flexibility for moving large loads.
- Rectangular deck plates, which are welded to the application in cases where attachment points are not available. They are made from high-tensile steel and offer high load capacities.
Slings for Lifting Devices
There are four main types of slings:
- Chains. Strong, durable, and easy to handle.
- Wire ropes. The most commonly used sling, suitable for heavy loads and rugged conditions.
- Mesh. Ideal for lifting objects that are hot or have sharp edges. Mesh has wide, load-bearing surfaces that help in balancing loads.
- Synthetic. Lightweight and flexible. Used where loads have to be protected from damage.