
Organization For Economic Cooperation And Development

Last updated: October 30, 2017

What Does Organization For Economic Cooperation And Development Mean?

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is an association of member countries that share information to help governments develop and fight poverty through economic growth and financial stability. The OECD also analyzes and publishes reports on safety-related issues related to development, such as chemical safety and biosafety, and evironmental health and safety.

Safeopedia Explains Organization For Economic Cooperation And Development

OECD members care for democracy, rule of law, human rights and adhere to open and transparent market-economy principles. It promotes stronger, cleaner, fairer economic growth and helps to raise employment and living standards of the people. OECD identifies the key economic, social and environmental policy challenges and designing policies to improve the welfare of people around the world.


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