What Does
Noise Pollution Mean?
Noise pollution or sound pollution is defined as any sound that is unwanted, or a level of environmental sound that is likely to irritate nearby individuals, cause distraction, cause hearing damage, or disrupts normal activities and lowers quality of life. Workplaces are required to take those in the surrounding environment into account with regard to noise pollution, such as an industrial plant next to a residential area.
Safeopedia Explains Noise Pollution
Noise pollution has negative health effects on people. Studies show links between noise pollution and hearing loss, high blood pressure, stress-related illnesses, sleep problems as well as a general reduction in productivity. Noise induced hearing loss (NIHL) is the most common problem caused by noise pollution. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has established the Office of Noise Abatement and Control (ONAC) to research noise and its effect on the public, and to take action when acceptable standards for noise levels are breached.