What Does
Hazard Category Mean?
Hazard categories are used by OSHA in order to classify a workplace hazard on the basis of a calculation of its health hazard. Rather than testing chemicals to assess their hazard rating, they are based on the collection and analysis of currently available data. A chemical manufacturer, importer or classifier collects the necessary data and then compares it to the classification criteria for each hazard class. Once the hazard category has been identified, it must be presented on the label.
Safeopedia Explains Hazard Category
There are eleven classification categories regarding hazards, as follows:
- Acute toxicity
- Skin Corrosion / Irritation
- Serious Eye Damage / Eye irritation
- Respiratory or Skin Irritation
- Germ Cell Mutagenicity
- Carcinogenicity
- Reproductive Toxicity
- Specific Target Organ Toxicity – Single exposure
- Specific Target Organ Toxicity – Repeated or Prolonged Exposure
- Aspiration Hazard
- Simple Asphyxiants
Physical hazards are classified as follows:
- Explosives
- Flammable Gasses
- Flammable Aerosols
- Oxidizing Gasses
- Gases under Pressure
- Flammable Liquids
- Flammable Solids
- Self-Reactive Chemicals
- Pyrophoric Chemicals
- Self-Heating Chemicals
- Chemicals which, in contact with water, emit flammable gasses
- Oxidizing liquids and Solids
- Organic Peroxides
- Corrosive to Metals
- Combustible Dust