A Practical Guide to Surviving a COR Audit

Inevitably, there is a certain amount of stress that accompanies that dreadful A-word; AUDIT.

Inevitably, there is a certain amount of stress that accompanies that dreadful A-word; AUDIT. All of your hard work and commitment can be unraveled with one bad report, putting your reputation on the line. The events leading up to an audit, though, can be made less demanding and time-consuming. Here’s a summary of how an electronic file management system can help you.

Within an electronic file management system, all of your vital documents are time-stamped and organized by date in order to make them simple to find. A system that includes a search function will help users find any form or file instantly. In preparation, periodical review of any form should be efficient and simplified to make sure you’re ready.

When it comes time for an audit, documentation and data control should not only be simple to find, but it should also help you answer other questions with confidence and ease. All forms should be accessible at any site location on multiple devices and employ a cloud-based system, and any obsolete documents can be promptly removed to avoid unnecessary clutter. How often have you located a form that was incomplete, ineligible or crumpled up? With an electronic file management system, users must type instead of write, and digital forms cannot be damaged and will never deteriorate. A cloud-based system allows access to any form at any time, and eliminates the need to store physical forms at your office.

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