What Does
Failure Modes And Effects Analysis Mean?
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a systematic method for analyzing a product or process's potential for failure and the impact of that failure.
FMEA is also used to assess the potential risks that are associated with an identified failure. These are then used to prioritize the implementation of corrective measures.
Safeopedia Explains Failure Modes And Effects Analysis
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis is designed to identify and correct weaknesses in a product before it gets into the mass production phase. FMEA serves as a guide to the development of a product or system in order to reduce the associated risk.
An effective FMEA will result in major improvements to the safety, quality, reliability, delivery, and cost of a product or system. The main goal of an FMEA is to improve the design of a product or system. An FMEA is carried out by a cross-functional team of subject experts early in the product development process.