

Last updated: February 12, 2017

What Does Prokaryotic Mean?

Prokaryotic describes a type of cell in an organism that has no membrane-bound nucleus, and only a single chromosome, among other characteristics, which differentiate it from eukaryotic cells that have a nucleus and are considered more complex than prokaryotic cells. Prokaryotic cells are usually found alone as single cell organisms, whereas eukaryotic cells are usually found in multi-celled organisms.

Safeopedia Explains Prokaryotic

Examples of prokaryotic cells are found in bacteria or archaea. Examples of eukaryotic cells are found in plants and animals. Prokaryotic cells are smaller and reproduce asexually, while eukaryotic cells reproduce sexually by dividing chromosomes. Prokaryotes are said to play vital roles in the movement of nitrogen and carbon dioxide in the nitrogen and carbon cycles, which are a necessity to all life on our planet.


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