What Does
Cutaneous Necrotizing Vasculitis Mean?
Cutaneous necrotizing vasculitis (CNV) begins with inflammation and causes visible tissue damage (necrosis) of blood vessel walls (lumen) and surrounding skin (cutaneous) lesions.
Safeopedia Explains Cutaneous Necrotizing Vasculitis
CNV may be a primary (stand-alone) disease process. However, it can also occur as a result of, or in association with, a number of other underlying disorders. These can include certain infections, autoimmune disorders like cancer or, specifically, Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, a subset of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Other factors that may contribute include allergic reactions or hypersensitivity to certain medications or industrial toxins, as well as inhaled environmental irritants.
Many irritants may cause an inflammatory response within the blood vessel wall. These include direct injury to vessel walls by bacteria or viruses, indirect injury by activation of antibodies, and indirect injury through activation of a group of proteins in the blood and tissue fluids that attack infection and foreign bodies.
CNV is part of a larger group of disorders that are accompanied by inflammation and tissue damage of blood vessels known as vasculitides or the vasculitic syndromes. These syndromes can range from disorders restricted to the skin surface around the damaged blood vessel to more critical disorders that may involve several organ systems. Proper diagnosis begins with determining whether there is an underlying disorder that leads to CNV before treatment is assigned.