First of all, let’s take a quick look at what OSHA’s final rule requires of businesses. As of January 1, 2017, some employers have had to electronically submit the injury and illness data they already recorded on paper forms. The goal is to allow OSHA to analyze data more easily and use its resources more efficiently, as well as to encourage employees to report any and all work-related injuries or illnesses. The data will be compiled and made publicly available.
Perhaps your business doesn’t currently use software to track your injury and illness data, or maybe you’re not technologically inclined. Worry not. OSHA provides several ways for you to submit your records electronically without needing to purchase expensive software.
Businesses that need to report data must use OSHA’s secure website. From there, you have three options:
- Manually enter your data into a webform for submission
- If your data is in a spreadsheet, you can upload a CSV file
- If you maintain automated recordkeeping, you can submit your data via an application programming interface (API)
To be in full compliance with OSHA’s final rule, businesses have to inform employees of their right and responsibility to report all workplace incidents. Employers also have to establish reasonable procedures for employees to report work-related injuries and illnesses. That is,
procedures that would not deter or discourage an employee from filing a report.
Now, what data do you need to submit and when? The reporting requirements differ depending on your business:
Submission Year
Establishments with
250 or more employees
Establishments with
20-249 employees
Submission Deadline
Form 300A
Form 300A
July 1, 2017
Forms 300A, 300, 301
Form 300A
July 1, 2018
From 2019 onward, all required information must be submitted electronically to OSHA by March 2nd of each year.
If your business is already keeping accurate records and encouraging employees to report all workplace injuries and illnesses, this rule really has little consequence. Your next step is to determine the best way for you to submit your data online—whether it’s manually inputting the information, uploading a CSV file, or via API.
Regardless of how you decide to track this critical information, I recommend you review your reporting procedures and determine the best way to maintain a reliable record of your workplace injury and illness information going forward.