
Safety With Purpose #2 – AED’s In The Work Place with Bryan McWhorter

By Safeopedia Staff
Published: July 3, 2019 | Last updated: March 16, 2020
Key Takeaways

In this episode we are talking about AED needs in the workplace with Bryan McWhorter from Safeopedia.

In this episode we are talking about AED needs in the workplace with Bryan McWhorter from Safeopedia.


Podcast Transcript:


[00:08] All right. Welcome to safety with purpose. You are talking to and listening to Scott MacKenzie. Thank you very much for joining you. Safety Sherpas. Yeah, I’m going to #safety sharpen you to #safety shirt has. You know what they do? They keep us safe. They keep us safe while we climb that mountain of success. That’s what you’re all about. You’re keeping us safe, keeping us coming home. Thank you very much for what you do. Once again, hashtags, Safety Sherpa. We’ve got a great interview today we’re going to be talking about AED needs in the workplace. Those comes from our wonderful friend called Bryan McWhorter. Matt skills. Bryan McWhorter, the world of safety. So let’s get going. Hey, thank you very much again, always enjoying the opportunity to speak to you about safety because this platform is to you is it’s for everybody. Safety is for everybody and, and there’s no if, ands, or buts about that, right? So anyway, but, but before we get going, tailgate talk number one, all right, I go out to safest PD and I find the Q and a and I, and, and that’s, that’s the place I go. I mean, it’s, it’s really, it’s, it’s well laid out safer. so I find, I go into the Q and a and I said, man, it is hot. It’s blistering hot here in the gold south and around the country. And, and the topic came up and says, what should I do if I, um, if I have the heat stress, which is important because we work in very hot environments.

[01:26] We, we put ourselves in a situation where heat stress is a common and unfortunate common reality. But what do I do? What, what, what am I employees? Or if I start to experiencing the, uh, the conditions of heat stress, well, first off, I’m going to go to a shady area or I’m going to help my individual or the my friend, my coworker, to get into a shady area, and then I’m going to help that individual or me start pulling off layers of clothing. Because that’s important to got to cool down gotta cool down and then I’m going to find fans or miss or, or ice bags or in the case of me when I’d get done moaning, Alana, I’m running into the house where the air conditioning is, but we’re out in the field. Let’s start talking about how do we get that body temperature down.

[02:09] We provide some liquid hydration, cool hydration and then of course without a doubt, better call that supervisor but to call nine one one if it is in that situation because we don’t want to be a suffering from heatstroke right? We don’t want to go there. So anyway, that’s what you want to do. It is hot out there. I want you guys everyone to be safe out there. Number two. Okay, well another, another great location for um, knowledge because that’s what we’re all about. We’re also all about providing knowledge is Safeopedia provides a lot of free webinars. And the one that popped up is, is the top five hearing protection considerations that you might not be thinking about. Now you gotta think about hearing protection, but sometimes we just get work and we get moving. We get, uh, hustling and trying to get, and on that asset, these are five hearing in protection considerations to that you might not be thinking about.

[03:05] And that’s brought to by our interviewee Bryan McWhorter. And um, he just lays it out. And so instead of me going out there, you need to sign up. It’s free now it’s free, right? That and I mean, I don’t know if it can get any cheaper than that and knowledge. That’s what that’s this is about. It’s about developing that knowledge and continue to develop that knowledge. You Safety Sherpas out there because that’s what we’re about. Who got to get up that you’ve got to climb that mountain safely. All right. So what we’re going to be doing is we’re going to segue right into the interview with Bryan McWhorter and we’re going to talk about [inaudible] in the workplace. I was fascinated by this, uh, interview because I see them around, I see them around airports and you name it. And of course I’m thinking to myself, holy cow, somebody collapses right in front of me.

[03:53] I don’t know. I mean, what am I supposed to do? How do I, well, apparently this equipment is really self explanatory. They’ve made it in such a way that we can be successful at, at, uh, deploying a d. So thank you once again for joining safety with purpose. You Safety Sherpas out there. Here’s Bryan McWhorter. We’re going to be talking about eds in the workplace. All right, Bryan, welcome back to safety with purpose. Thank you very much for joining. This is Bryan McWhorter. He’s got some mad safety skills. We’re going to be talking a little bit about AED in the workplace. Did I get that right?


[04:28] You did.

[04:30] Well, let the listeners know what we’re talking about. First off, what’s AED and does it save lives?

[04:37] And Ada Scott is an automated external defibrillator and it’s important to understand that that’s a lot different from a regular defibrillator like that use in a hospital. For one thing, an aid is designed for someone with no experience whatsoever. So it’s designed for someone with no training. That’s why you’ll see them all walls of airport terminals and in restaurants, casinos. So it is something that can be grabbed to literally save a life with no training whatsoever.

[05:05] And now, but that’s interesting because do they save lives? Is there, that’s out there because there all of a sudden they just appeared and then beforehand he weren’t there. And, and now they are there. So did they save lives?

[05:23] Yeah, absolutely. It’s right back to your fear considering, you know, uh, workplace safety, you’ve got to consider that in the United States and most countries, uh, heart diseases, the number one killer. So the likelihood of a heart event, you know, with an employee, depending on, you know, the work environment, the age and the number of people. Yeah, it’s very real.

[05:43] And it’s also kind of important to understand the difference when it comes to heart disease. Um, understanding the difference between sudden cardiac arrest and a heart attack. They’re not the same thing. A heart attack is when someone has one or more blocked arteries stopping blood a sudden cardiac arrest is when all of a sudden you go into that fibrillation, an electrical issue. Your heart now is starting to flutter and it’s no longer beating properly. Now you can do CPR and sub when inside in cardiac arrest, but that will not revive them. What resuscitate him. The only thing that’ll bring that back is that shock of life. So in other words, the only thing that’s going to say them as an a d. So let me ask you this, so your, here’s a situation, somebody passes out, whatever. I don’t have it within me to understand exactly what the situation is.

[06:34]”] The AED is a device. I could say, okay, there it is man. He’s down, she’s down, it’s down. And then I just apply the the per the instructions time is is the thing here. I don’t have time to go rabbit, read the instructions, slap it on there and you know, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick and then know that that thing worked. Yeah, I do know that. And I love the way you just put that. Scott is definitely a time issue. If you can get that AED on them within three minutes, I have a 70% chance of survival. Every minute that they wait for that AED, their chances of resuscitation drop significantly after 10 minutes, they’re probably not going to be revived. Um Wow. There are cases where people are doing CPR, which is circulating in the blood and then you get the AED to them and possible.

[07:25] But the sooner you get it on your eyes, the better. Okay. A, these are designed like this. You literally take it out out of the box or you out of the cabinet, say on the airport terminal wall or whatever, you’ll usually see a button that you hit or pull a lever and it starts talking to you and it will tell you exactly what to do. So you don’t have to worry about instructions. It’s going to tell you what to do and they are foolproof in that. If that person isn’t, then when you put those pads on, no, I was just going to tell you where to put the pads, how to do it and there’s going to read their heart and it will tell you this person needs a shot. Yeah. It’ll tell you, you have people stand back and hit button to give them the shot.

[08:05] So it is pretty much foolproof and that’s how they’re designed. Where in fact, I have a interesting story of a friend of mine who has an airport and he saw someone drop up ahead of him. He was rushing, connecting flights. So the person go down and there’s an AED on the wall and uh, the other person walked towards the wall open and grabbed the AED and you hit the button and the 80 AED started talking to him and he put the pants on. The individual gave him the shock. I brought it back while someone else was calling for an ambulance. So they saved that person’s life. And again, no training whatsoever. Wow. That is phenomenal. Now it probably is quite beneficial to have some training. So I’m in an industrial environment and it there, somebody says, Hey, we’ve got a few dollars to span, let’s buy some ads, let’s stick it over here and here

[08:56] and here we decide where it goes. I would imagine that training is key as well. You could do some pre training site. Here’s an add. This is what you do.

[09:06] Absolutely. As a matter of fact that the great thing about that, Scott, is it up someone’s confidence level? What should a case like that where someone’s life is on the line? Confidence is very important. I, I’ve provided AED training to large groups before and what I’ll typically do at the beginning of the training and the class, I’ll go, okay, if someone dropped and you had to use an AED, raise your hand if you feel like you could confidently do it. Rarely do many hands go up. Maybe one or two in a group. But after the short class of explaining what we’re talking about and you know, in this podcast, um, most hands will go up because you know, it’s now within their comfort level. They know that the AED is going to talk them through it. That a pretty much mistake proof. As a matter of fact, in one environment I was at, I was in a large factory and we had one of our workers, a friend of mine actually draw, he was fine. One minute dropped into sudden cardiac arrest in that building is a huge facility. We had five eighties to read him within two minutes and I wasn’t on the premises at the time of the supervisors, uh, [inaudible] but it on him and he needed the shock. They gave him the shock of life while someone else called an ambulance. Yeah, I believe they ended up chocking him a couple of times, but they literally saved his life.

[10:22] Okay. A couple of things. One economics, I would imagine the price is going down,

[10:28] right? Yes. You can get an a d these days between one or $2,000. Very inexpensive.

[10:34] Yeah, it is maybe that here. Absolutely. And I would imagine it was, we’ll continue to go down as technology continues to change. And

[10:42] the second question I have is that let’s say that

[10:46]”] the AED is safe. Okay, dude. Then stick it here, do this, make sure, yeah, whatever. It’s talking me through it and then I zap and I would imagine the AED is saying, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, we need to do another one.

[10:59] Yeah, well it’ll, it’s constantly reading that hard. There are some eighties that actually have a, a monitor, a little led screen that will show you their heart rate. So there are different types on the market, but none of them will let you shock someone that does not need a shock. So that’s good. I know there’s some pranksters out there. Absolutely. I understand. Absolutely. Well, we’re going to have to wrap this one up. This was safety with purpose. We’re talking with Bryan McWhorter

[11:26] and we’ve talked about this and the importance of a AEDs and

[11:31] now Bryan, you’re going to be able to have that documentation. Also. You can just go out there this, there’s a lot more documentation. We’re going to attach it to this particular podcast so that you, the professional, the safety professional out there, we’ll have the latest, greatest information that Bryan McWhorter at. Right? That is it. Yeah, you’re right. There’s a lot there because they just lifesaving device. They want a minute per system. Yeah. All your your fees and Keith. Dot and everything. Wow. Well, thank you very much for joining the safety with purpose. We’re going to be talking the next time around. We’re going to talk a little bit about fault tree analysis, so make sure that you put that on your to do list, listen to Safety With Purpose. Thank you very much for joining me.

[12:11] We’ll be right back.

[12:13] As an industrial professional myself, I was always passionate about sales, marketing, branding, expanding the marketplace for my company. That’s what Ian Dust, real talk platform is all about. It’s about you, the industrial company, the industrial professional, and your legacy, increasing sales, gaining greater exposure on what you do and how you and your company changes the world. Go out to that’s contact me. Let’s have a conversation to see how we can work with you on improving your bottom line and that you can be a part of an ever growing network of industrial companies focused on expanding and growing and leaving a legacy. I hope to hear from you soon and be safe out there.

[13:20] All right, you, all of you, all of you safety sherpas out there. Thank you very much for joining safety with purpose. This platform, once again, is dedicated to you thus safety professional. The companies that keep us safe and keep us coming home day in and day out. It’s all about knowledge and you continue to bring knowledge to the table so that we can succeed in our devores, our professional careers. Thank you very much to Bryan McWhorter. Definitely. Again, he is the master with safety. Talking about [inaudible] in the workplace. He’s pretty passionate about what he does and keeping us safe. That is a true safety Sherpa and a, Hey, I’m just telling you right now, if you’ve got, if you’re struggling for topics for your, let’s say your tailgate talk or whatever it might be in house stuff, go to [inaudible] dot com okay. I’m telling you right now, find a topic.

[14:08] Communicate. It’s all there. Look like a rockstar. You’re committed, it’s knowledgeable, it’s great. Stop we’ll keep you focused on safety. And then of course, industrial talk. Go on out there. If you’re interested in the business of, of marketing and sales from an industrial flare, industrial is the place for you to expand your market. So thank you again. We’re always excited to be able to provide this particular content for you, the safety professional. Always be safe. Thank you very much for joining and we’re going to have [inaudible] and we’re going to just continue to bring some great content. So thank you. Take care.

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Written by Safeopedia Staff

Safeopedia Staff

At Safeopedia, we think safety professionals are unsung superheroes in many workplaces. We aim to support and celebrate these professionals and the work they do by providing easy access to occupational health and safety information, and by reinforcing safe work practices.

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