Join Scott MacKenzie and Bryan McWhorter as they discuss your Moral Safety Compass on the Safety with Purpose podcast. Follow Safeopedia for more great safety content daily!

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Podcast Transcript:
[00:00] Okay,
[00:08] all, all you safety professionals out here. Thank you very much for joining safety with purpose. My name is Scott MacKenzie. Once again, man, this platform is dedicated to you, dedicated to everybody. You can never stop learning about safety because the industry changes and bottom line, you guys are changing the world and you’re just keeping us safe. It’s unknowable. A noble cause. So we’re going to talk a little bit about morals, safety, and compass in this episode of safety with purpose. So stay tuned.
[00:37] Yeah. Another quickie here. It’s a fast one. And uh, I’m always fascinated by, um, the culture and this particular, uh, compass is more compass because it gets down to, um, especially with safety. It’s, it’s in the mind and it’s, it’s education. But how do you, how do you infuse that culture into your organization to keep them safe? That’s what this is all about. So anyway, let’s get going with a tailgate. Tailgate talk number one. Okay. What is shifted up a little bit? And once again, I’m going to go to, um, safety, Safeopedia, right? And instead of just going into, I’m just going to go into guides and I thought this was a pretty interesting guidance. I’m big into checklists. I mean, I don’t know about you, but I’m big into checklists and uh, this one caught my fancy and it was the construction fall safety checklist.
[01:27] We’re going to be doing a podcast with a gentleman, uh, with a fall protection company. And, uh, I’m always fascinated by the fact that a, there they’re still, there are, uh, deaths at that take place with that are fall related because when I was at alignment, I’d be climbing towers and poles and all that good stuff. And uh, you just didn’t hear about deaths. You didn’t, you hear about people falling in, in our fall. Protection of course was just a belt. And, uh, I, I’m, I’m always fascinated by this, but so if you go out to a Safeopedia once again, and you look at guides and you just sort of scroll down a little bit, construction falls, safety checklist, cool stuff. Get it. It’s a checklist. It’s already there. You don’t even have to think about it, but you definitely better deploy it. That’s for Doug on. Sure. Number two.
[02:19] Okay. Back
[02:19] to the uh, Webinar, right? The webinars of course are free and they’re on demand and it always, uh, in, in the spirit of height and all that stuff. When I was climbing towers and Poles, one of the things that we never did is uh, just sort of stand directly underneath the lineman because you just never know when a tool was going to fly down accidentally of course. And you didn’t want to get clobbered on the head and a tool coming down from 200 feet, uh, it’s going to win the battle most definitely. So here is a Webinar that is brought to you by a gentleman. I’m, and I’m going to butcher his last name. I try not to, but I’m going to Nate Bohum back. Zombie. Just going to go with that. Sorry about that. Nate. Product Director, um, Standard Committee for drop objects solution and this is starting to drop objects prevention plan, the eight steps guide for safety pros.
[03:13] So, uh, go out there. That is also once again and on demand free Webinar and find out more because that’s real important. All right, let’s go. Let’s start our interview with Bryan McWhorter. We’re going to talk a little bit about the moral safety compass. Um, I mean as it’s so important. This was a great conversation. Bryan has thrown down some truth and a so in joy as always. Thank you very much for joining safety with purpose. Here’s Bryan McWhorter. All right. Welcome to the safety with purpose podcast. We are once again talking with Bryan McWhorter. He’s dialing in with some real good safety topics and I think the last one we did was hazards versus danger. I enjoyed that a lot and now we’re going to sort of venture into the moral safety compass. Let us know what’s going on about that one.
[04:03] Thanks Scott. This is something that I kind of stumbled on when I was a safety manager for a large facility. A glass factory. Yeah. We had at the time a large incident rate and the corporation, the corporate office was really getting us to turn safety around to do better. And I was actually walking through the facility with a friend of mine from Europe and he noticed an employee standing on top of a piece of equipment where he shouldn’t have been. Yeah. Without any railing. And he does my, he goes, Bryan, see that employee, you know. So if that were your adult son or daughter, would you feel safe, feel good with them doing that? I go, no. He goes, well let’s a, if you wouldn’t let an adult center daughter do that lesson, I’ll let anyone else do it. And I thought that was so good. We use out, I literally spread that out in our safety meetings, so let people know that. And it just took off like wildfire. Um, I can remember, uh, when I was a young adult with children, uh, I had my kids in the car getting ready to take them to school and I buckle their seat belts and Shirley to pull out without mine buck again. I’m old. And afterward I can remember driving before the law and so I had made it a habit and one another.
[05:16] You’re going to be over here. We didn’t have any safety dashboard,
[05:22] so one of my kids looked at me, goes down, and why don’t you buckle your seatbelt? And so he cared about me and that’s to have moral safety. Cannabis. You talk to any soldier about what gives them the courage to charge the battlefield or a fireman, the bravery to go into a burning building. They won’t tell you they’re doing it. Forgotten countries. I’ll tell you I’m doing it for the man of the right man on the left. I’m doing it for them because they’ll do it for me. That’s that moral compass. We protect our own. We’ve proposed protect the people on our team. If you think about a team to the individual, there are only two things that teams offer. Amplification of effort and protection. That’s all teams offer the individual. So once you disregard that protection, no loyalty, morality, trust, a lot of that [inaudible] is going to slowly dissipate.
[06:13] We’ve got to know that. You know, we’re, we’re cared for by the group. So by doing that, um, by us kind of creating a moral safety competence and promoting it, it had a tremendous effect on us. I’ll give you another example. Uh, I’m in Texas right now and in Texas and Kansas, we both deal rattlesnakes. Eh, two of the places I’ve worked, every now and then you’d ever rattlesnake, you know, I’ll crawl under the property. So I once asked someone in one of the workers in the factory, I go, um, well, let’s see, when you find a rattlesnake, why don’t you just shoot it into someone else’s area, then it’s no longer your, your issue. You don’t have to worry about getting better. And, and I’ve said that to a few people and they always look at me and say something along the line of what’s wrong with you, Bryan? No, that would be a horrible thing to do. Yeah, that’s MRL safety kind of, you know, we would not dream of doing that, but we will disregard or ignore someone that we see in danger.
[07:08] So let’s, let’s, uh, let’s talk about the practical application. You had me at the moral safety conference, a compass, a statement. How does, how do companies implements something like that?
[07:21] I tell them one is, is a statement of, you know, showing that your people are truly valued and understanding those two points. Again, if your team or group doesn’t protect you, then you’re not going to be loyal to them. It is that simple. Do you follow a leader that you know, doesn’t care about you? No. Again, we’ve got to know that, yeah, that moral safety compass has to be there from the standpoint of, but we’re valued and we’re going to be protected. So now we’re going to look out for each other and that plays to our human DNA. Um, I am more apt to take a risk myself then will allow someone that I care about to take a risk. So in other words, I, I’m liable to may be take a guard off a piece of equipment, work on, on the fly, thinking I can get away with it. But if I see a coworker do it, who’s a good friend of mine, I’m going to go, hey Bob, don’t do that man. It’s not worth it for a paycheck. So now we put it on. You know what? Also you want to be the type of person that’s a good role model because you don’t want to be hypocrite. Yeah, they see you do it next time you tell them not to do it. Wait a minute. So again, that part of that role should add moral safety compass is wait that standard.
[08:28] See What’s interesting about what you’re talking about is the fact that w when in our last podcast I talked about the sides, right? Safety number one, this is truly a powerful humanizing, a motivation for safety. And when you, when you bring it down to your kids, would you allow your kid, does it do that? That’s different. That touches the soul. That is something powerful as opposed to, and and the aspect of it and being able to follow that leader. If that leader doesn’t have my best interest at heart, which is my family and so on, then why would I? That’s really important. That’s, I love that. I love that approach. I think it’s powerful.
[09:11] I think it’s very, I read truly is, yeah. It’s something that I would encourage all companies to really promote because like you said, this, this is the human side of safety. Human.
[09:21] Yeah. And we talked about it all day long there, Bryan. We talked about I want to go home and be with my family and that’s why I want to be safe. But do we, we just, do we just say that because it’s the thing to say or do we really believe it in our hearts and in our minds that there is this moral component to our safety and I, I ventured to say, yeah, that’s the human side. Oh, if I got that, did I get that point on? I was pretty passionate about that one, man, because I’ve been around a lot of things and uh, this one really resonates quite powerfully.
[09:57] I like it. Yeah. If you and I are, I’m getting to know you Scott. If you and I are working together in an area and um, hopefully if, if you see me start to, you know, do something that’s dangerous, you’re going to say, Hey Bryan, man, it’s not worth it. Don’t do that.
[10:12] Right. Like eating a hamburger because that’s about as dangerous as we’re going to can wholly my coffee cup. Well, sorry, don’t burn yourself on the coffee. Yeah, that’s about right because it’s a young, young person sport. You know, there’s this, uh, working out in the field. Boy, you better be safe. Yeah, absolutely. In your heart. All right, enough of that. I really appreciate it, Bryan. Man, I got pretty passionate about that one.
[10:43] You’re listening to safety with purpose. We were talking about that moral safety compass. Think about it, implement it, figure it out, and be that leader in there that demonstrates that moral compass of safety and humanize the activity. That is very important. Very good. Were we honored? All right. Our next podcast with Bryan McWhorter will be the three levels of safety and once again you listen to this podcast, download that information because it’s just a little snippet of information, a safety information that’ll be found in those documents, those attached documents. So thank you very much for joining. We will be back with another great topic
[11:25] with Bryan McWhorter. As an industrial professional myself, I was always passionate about sales, marketing, branding, expanding the marketplace for my company. That’s what Ian Dust, real talk platform is all about. It’s about you, the industrial company, the industrial professional and your legacy, increasing sales, gaining greater exposure on what you do and how you and your company changes world.
[11:54] Go out to that’s contact me. Let’s have a conversation to see how we can work with you on improving your bottom line and that you can be a part of an ever growing network of industrial companies focused on expanding and growing and leaving a legacy. I hope to hear from you soon and be safe out there.
[12:34] All right. Thank you very much for joining safety with purpose. That was Bryan McWhorter. Again. We were talking moral safety compass. That’s moral safety companies. Go out to safety with purpose, download the information that you need to create that moral safety compass within your organization as well as all the other stuff that you can find out on it’s all there. It’s free. I mean it can’t be any better than that. Right. I love it. And uh, if you are interested once again for uh, expanding your business, growing your business, bringing in opportunities, that is the answer for you is of course Go out there, reach out to them. Of course there are some answers out there to help you create that legacy. And then finally, um, thank you. Thank you once again for the work that you do, safety individuals, safety professionals, the commitment that you take within the organization, a change in the world, you keeping us safe. It’s a very noble profession. And I, for me personally, safety, thank you very much as well as everybody who is listening out there. If you want to be a safety professional, I’m telling Ya, reach out to some of these individuals that are there. They’re going to give you the guidance. It’s a great cause. Anyway, thank you very much. Stay safe and thank you for joining safety with purpose podcast. We’re going to continue to bring out some great interviews. Take care, be safe.
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