Many workers are being asked to carry out their duties at work sites that have airborne hazards present. A windsock is a conical textile tube that indicates the wind direction. If your workplace carries the risk of a gas leak, a windsock is essential in order to ascertain the wind direction. When escaping from a gas leak or the fumes from a chemical spill, move away from the direction of the wind.

Hydrogen sulfide (HS2) is a hazard that is common in the oil and gas industry. It is a colorless gas that is heavier than air. At high concentrations it has little or no smell. Yet concentrations as low as 600 ppm can be deadly to humans. In lower concentrations, it will cause shortness of breath and eye irritation. The use of a windsock to determine the wind direction is a critical safety tool to help protect workers. This will help you to determine the safe zone.

Windsocks can be installed on tank batteries, gang trucks, drilling rigs, pulling units, water stations, satellite stations and entrances to fields or locations. Being able to accurately determine the direction of the wind by way of a wind sock is you first line of defence.