Hi Bryan McWhorter here with Safeopedia and another safety moment. We're finishing up our series on safety management system simplified.

Remember we had those five components today. We're going to wrap it up with that final component. Those five components like in Hazard Identification and Control, Training, Inspections,
Incident Investigations and that last one Documentation and Reporting.

If you have all those others in place, but you got no documentation or verification, you're not reporting anything to OSHA. You have a problem. Again, you want documentation for everything. Your HIRA in place, training program, showing signup sheets for people that attended the training, what the material was. If it's performance-based training the test that they took. Your inspection blog. So showing your forklift inspections, crane inspections, all those things, they're all documentation verifying that you're doing what you need to do to keep people safe. Again, if you have no evidence that you have no proof that it's actually happening, you're on the honor system, that's never a good thing.

You have to view this also as things that you can now look back at every year and review and look at what can you improve on? What can you do better? How can you build on your program and make it, uh, make it, uh, improve? Yet, everything is either green and growing or drying, dying. Everything has a shelf life. So if your safety programs aren't growing and improving, they're probably sliding backwards and go in the other direction. So that documentation is very important. And also OSHA requires that, you know, training documents, depending on what you're you're dealing with, you might have to keep those for a certain amount of years. So that documentation is very important. The reporting for some incidents, you have to report them within 24 hours. This is a serious incident to OSHA. Um, again, go to the OSHA website, look at for amputate amputations overnight stays in the hospital.

God forbid fatalities all these have a timeline where they need to be reported, you know, quickly. Your OSHA 300 log has to be reported at the end of every year. It started over here. So that documentation or reporting again, compliance, um, is important because they're driving safety. The point isn't to find people, it happens. The point is to make sure that employers are doing the things they need to do their due diligence, to create an environment and equip employees to stay safe. Again, it's like that football coach. We don't have to convince people to want to win the game. We do have to equip them, give them the strategy, the skills and the support to win the game. Safety is no different people don't want to get hurt. They want her in a paycheck. They want to, you know, earn a living and contribute at work. We need to give them the skills for performance and for safety.

Equip them, teach them about hazard and danger, the training, the inspection sheets, the documentation reporting. All very important. So hopefully these videos helped you again, look at any of the single videos, go back and look at the, HIRA video, reach out to Safeopedia. You have questions, or we love answering questions and making short videos based on your questions. And you can always reach out to some of the safety experts like myself on LinkedIn or through Safeopedia. So, until next time Bryan McWhorter of Safeopedia, stay safe.

Check out all five of the Safety Management System Simplified; Hazard Identification and Control, Training, Inspections, Incident Investigations and Documentation and Reporting.