This is RedBeard with, and I already went over my first top pick for a leading indicator, which was the near miss, hazard recognition, and good catch. And right now I want to tell you about my second top pick, which is management engagement visits. It stems from a best practice of manage by proximity. But not in the sense of policing employees, but in the sense of trying to cultivate a channel for communication. I think communication is central to learning. Your employees know where all their problems are. They know where the hazards are and you have to communicate with them; give them an opportunity to communicate with you and follow up with communications back to them. You know, if they tried to tell you something and they get ignored, they're going to stop talking to you.
So, going out, engaging with your employees, just connect with them, you know, ask them where they're at in their heads. Ask them, you know, when it comes to safety, ask them what they think the most hazardous part of their job is. That's a good way to get them thinking about safety in a way maybe they haven't thought about before. There's been a number of engagements that I've done with our line crews and that's a question I always like to ask. What's the most hazardous part of your job? And we always stop and think, and we always seem to identify something that could be improved upon if we do that. So management engagements, get the managers out talking to employees and be sure to follow up, right? It's an opportunity to communicate. Communication is an opportunity to learn. And learning is at the heart of safety because you can't fix the problems you don't know about.