If released, hazardous waste can contaminate water supplies. Minimize the risk by purchasing the smallest quantities you can. Eliminate surplus materials rather than stockpiling them. Maintain an updated inventory of all hazardous materials and create a spill plan, training all staff in its implementation. Make sure that you use up any surplus hazardous materials before buying new stock.
Be sure to be diligent about following directions for proper use, storage and elimination of hazardous materials. Participate in hazardous waste collections or take hazardous waste to a collection facility. Store any excess hazardous materials in a safe, dry locked facility. Do not freeze any hazardous chemicals or liquids. Neither should hazardous materials be stored near heat or flames.
Regularly inspect any stored hazardous chemicals. Do not retain any leaking or damaged containers. Avoid mixing any hazardous chemicals together.
You should never pour hazardous chemicals on the ground or down a storm drain. Neither should you simply throw them in the garbage. Clean any leaks or spills in accordance with the instructions on the product label.
All of the employees of a company should be trained in hazardous waste management and disposal techniques. Employers should know precisely how waste is managed and how much waste management costs.