The combination of heat and humidity can take an exacting toll on the body. Be prepared for these conditions when you’re working outdoors. Wear light, loose fitting garments, including a sun that that protects your neck and head. Stay well hydrated and give yourself regular rest in the shade.

When working as a team in very hot and humid conditions, go at the rate of the slowest worker. You need to be aware of the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion at work. These include excessive and prolonged sweating, cold and clammy skin, elevated temperature, a very pale complexion, rapid pulse, shallow breathing, nausea, headache and a loss of consciousness. An employee with heat exhaustion should be placed in the shock position, with their feet elevated 30-45 cm. Their extremities should be gently massaged and give fluids. If they do not improve they should be taken to a doctor.

Signs of heat stroke include extreme temperatures in the 40+ Celsius range, dry skin with no sweating, a bright red skin color, an elevated strong pulse and difficulty with breathing. Heat stroke is a very serious condition, and the employee should be provided with immediate medical treatment at the nearest hospital.