
Safety Justice League Podcast – Episode 17: SJL Presents Stefanie Val

By Safety Justice League
Published: April 17, 2020 | Last updated: November 22, 2023
Key Takeaways

In this episode Abby and Nate learn about the world of EH&S Journalism from Stephanie Valentic.


In this episode Abby and Nate learn about the world of EHS Journalism from Stephanie Valentic. And even though that sounds like a straightforward topic… they managed to chart some strange territory. So sit back, relax, and get ready to experience safety through hair care, viruses, mental health, and more.


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Safety Justice League

The #safetyjusticeleague is a team of four dedicated safety professionals who aim to seek and share knowledge about what keeps people safe at work. With their combined skills and knowledge, the team has nearly a century of experience to share with the industry. But the mission isn't about us, it's about learning. Join in the conversation and help us get there together.

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