Healthcare workers face a wide range of eye and face hazards on a moment to moment basis. From Ambulatory services, to hospitals, and with Long Term Care and Nursing facilities, eye and face protection are top of mind. The consequence of poor protection is a wide variety of injuries, including transmission of infectious diseases, bloodborne pathogens, body fluids, chemical splash, Infrared and UV radiation, and impact.
This webinar covers:
- Who's most affected?
- Potential Hazards for Healthcare Workers
- Challenges that complicate protection (Not JUST Fogging)
- Healthcare Workers and Prescription Glasses
- Proper Fit
- Hazards - Simple, Major, and Extreme
- Over the Glass (OTG)
- Protection with "Cheaters" Bifocals / Magnifiers
- Not all Anti-Fog is created equal
- Face Shields
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