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March Demo Days

Here's What You Can Expect!

We have our Industry Expert kicking off our session! They will talk about what to consider during certain health and safety product Implementation with your teams.

We will then enjoy several quick and to the point presentations from a variety of vendors that will give you the highlights and provide a demonstration of their product. You have the ability to 'browse' in a fun & engaging way without the pressure or sales pitch from the sales guy!

Find a fit between your business problem and the solution.

Learning Objectives:

1. The integration of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors in investment decision-making and the increased regulatory scrutiny and reporting requirements for companies.

2. The financial benefits of having a strong ESG program, such as saving money, improving energy efficiency, and accessing capital at lower borrowing costs and higher valuations.

3. The importance of preparing for environmental disasters and regulatory changes, which can help companies avoid potential fines and reputational damage.

4. The significance of prioritizing social responsibility and avoiding negative publicity or reputational damage related to social issues.

5. The importance of ensuring lone workers' safety and the use of technology to monitor and protect them, including wearable safety technology, data analytics platforms, and emergency response systems.

The Vendors

EcoOnline provides a home for workplace safety. With EcoOnline’s highly intuitive EHS software, you can empower your entire workforce with digital tools that promote behavioral change and build a strong safety culture.

ComplianceQuest provides a connected suite of solutions that helps businesses of all sizes manage their quality, safety and environmental processes as they bring their products from concept to customer success.

MakuSafe - The future of PPE, MakuSafe Wearable Tech monitors strain/exertion, slips/trips/falls, heat, sound exposure, air quality, and more! Simple, effective, and economical, MakuSafe offers push-to-talk near miss reporting, provides real-time notifications and robust risk analytics, and does not monitor anything personal or biometric.

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