Join us for a collaborative discussion on the next episode of Meet the Author with Jason A. Maldonado as he shares with book " A Practical Guide to the Safety Profession: The Relentless Pursuit", and his experiences as a Health and Safety Professional with Tamara Parris and Gary Wong.
Jason’s book provides answers for every safety professional who has ever asked: "Is this actually making people safer?"
Learn about a simple, stupid toolkit and what’s in it. Jason shares his real-life experiences and characters that are relatable to anyone who has worked in the safety and health field for any amount of time.
Purchase Book:
00:35:23Jason M.:For the podcast:
00:35:57Tamara Parris:Link to Jason's book:
00:38:36Tamara Parris:Link to his website:
00:41:58Tamara Parris:#relentlesssafety
00:44:00Tamara Parris:If you have any questions or comments please share in the chat OR if you want to come on mic raise your hand.
00:47:16Michael Wolf:its the capacity to fail safe that we are all trying to put in place and build each day
00:51:20Tanya Hewitt:We tend to be so outcome focussed – even once we are schooled in some of these concepts.
00:51:51Jason M.:Totally agree Tanya. Outcome focus puts the blinders on
00:53:13Tamara Parris:Good point Tanya, would you join us on mic to share more 🙂
00:53:28Tanya Hewitt:Sure.
00:59:47Michael Wolf:I have to drop off – good conversation
00:59:59Tamara Parris:thank you Michael for joining us!
01:00:07Tanya Hewitt:Severity is another issue that can be looked at for its value – or lack thereof.
01:00:08Jason M.:thanks for joining
01:00:19Jason M.:YES YES YES
01:00:34Jason M.:on the severity note Tanya
01:01:53Tamara Parris:Jason's Book link:
01:05:22Tamara Parris:Jason's website:
01:09:34Tamara Parris:If you have any comments or questions please share in the chat, or raise hand to join on mic 🙂
01:09:44Tamara Parris:we enjoy hearing your adds!
01:10:23Tamara Parris:Upcoming workshop on Corporate wellness in July >
01:11:30Tanya Hewitt:Safety people are not lawyers – and workplaces are not courtrooms (lovely Dekker steal)
01:11:46Tamara Parris:Great quote Tanya
01:12:12lbusane:Agreed Tanya.
01:16:47Tanya Hewitt:Ivan Pupidly had said (years ago) procedures are great for novices. We recognize exports as experts because they do not need these procedures. Until something bad happens – and the experts are treated as the most novice worker "Did the standard say that??" We need more than just safety to realize these concepts – legal needs to be brought in to the discussion.
01:20:14Gary Wong:Ivan’s slide
01:20:35lbusane:Well said Tanya, thank you for your enlightenment.
01:21:08Tanya Hewitt:Thanks!
01:21:43Tanya Hewitt:And thanks for the share Gary (I meant to have put an sp. beside Ivan's name …)
01:23:27Tamara Parris:Link to Jason's book:
01:23:48Tamara Parris:Link to website:
01:25:37Tamara Parris:July workshop on Corporate Wellness:
01:32:08Tanya Hewitt:This has been a fascinating discussion – I have to leave, but thank you so much Jason for your book, and Safeopedia for hosting this series!
01:32:39Tamara Parris:Bye Tanya
01:33:51lbusane:Thank you Tanya
01:35:27Peter:Thanks Jason, good stuff
01:35:45Corrêa de Sá, José:thanks
01:36:00lbusane:Can you come back again on the three takeaway points from Jason, Tanya?
01:36:11lbusane:Sorry, Tamara
01:36:33lbusane:Worth noting for me!
01:36:37Gary Wong:Look at yourself, question status quo, push yourself
01:36:47lbusane:Many thanks Gary
Jason A. Maldonado, CSP, Owner and SMS of Relentless Safety
Jason Maldonado has spent the past 17 years working in Safety and Health roles throughout a variety of industries. Beginning as an explosive safety technician while serving in the United States Air Force, Jason developed a passion for teaching the importance of working safely and helping others figure out how to accomplish that mission.
After transitioning from the military, he spent time in heavy civil construction, chemical weapon demilitarization, electrical transmission and distribution, and food manufacturing. All of these experiences have helped shape his unique perspective of the state of the modern Safety Professional and ignited a passion to help his peers truly make the workplace safer.
He holds the credentials of Certified Safety Professional (CSP), Safety Management Specialist (SMS), Certified Occupational Hearing Conservationist (COHC), and Certified Reliability Leader (CRL).
Jason is the creator of and primary contributor to
Safety Justice League:
View book:
Regular Hosts are:
Gary Wong, Complexity Facilitator at Gary Wong & Associates, Bachelor of Applied Science, Masters of Business Administration, safety and organizational change from a complexity perspective.
Tamara Parris, Community Development, Bachelors of Social Work, Occupational Health and Safety, and Emergency Management.
Rosa Carrillo author of The Relationship Factor in Safety Leadership, safety leadership consultant, MS in Organizational development.
Please share out the below details on Social with your network! It all happens every 3rd Friday of the month at 11 a.m. EST, 4 p.m. GM Register Now