With OSHA fines, worker’s compensation, and downtime due to broken equipment or missing personnel, being lax on compliance is expensive.
Sometimes though, the list of requirements can seem almost unattainable, especially if you don’t have enough safety professionals on board or you’re trying to get a job done on time. It takes a lot of man hours to fill out, review, and implement health and safety changes using paper forms. But by replacing your paper workflow with digital solution, you can drastically reduce those hours, allowing your team to meet compliance requirements on time and under budget.
Building Conditional Logic into the Workflow
How much time and money could you save with an inspection form that’s smart enough to alert a field technician about a safety issue and also tells them how to fix it?
Incorporating conditional logic into your forms does just that. Based on the answers provided by the user, a digital form with conditional logic built in can provide a real-time and objective evaluation of the situation. If a technician taps “Submit” on their tablet, the form automatically notifies an engineer that they need to send someone to do an on-site repair but also tells them what tools they’ll need to fix the problem.
It’s impractical to expect every technician to judge every problem with identical standards every time. Instead of a form that encourages them to give their subjective impressions about matters related to safety, you need one that ensures they are providing objective details. Open-ended paper forms aren’t the best way to gather important safety information – how can you properly quantify and analyze reports that don’t have uniform answers and may even have notes scribbled into the margins?
Digital forms solve that problem and ensure that you get high quality data, mitigating the risks associated with subjective data recording and human error. Think of how important this in airplane safety: one or two infractions might not have tragic effects, but overlook a few more issues and it could add up to a plane falling out of the sky (for related reading, see To Err Is Human – But Not with an Aircraft!).
Automate Your Compliance
In addition to built-in logic, digital data storage allows you to dive deeper and get a better understanding of your jobsite compliance. Analytics engines can accurately predict when a piece of equipment is likely to break down by analyzing a series of data points, including:
- Time since last service appointment
- Number of hours in operation per day
- Estimated lifespan of components and parts
- Weather conditions.
That information can be fed into the conditional logic of a form, triggering responses based on projected maintenance requirements.
A small safety issue on a brand new machine will present differently than a small safety issue on a machine that is nearing the end of its life, and that additional insight can save your team time and money and prevent serious injury to your people.
Get the Most Out of Your Workflow
Technicians in the field rarely have time to analyze the data they collect; they’re too busy doing their jobs. Embracing modern tools for data collection, however, enables those same teams to be proactive in their safety, minimizing downtime and maximizing the lifespan of equipment. (Still reluctant? See Technology Adoption in the Workplace: Top Three Myths Debunked.)