What Does
Mist Mean?
A mist is a suspension of liquid in any gas such as a fine spray. Most commonly, it is a natural phenomenon of small water droplets suspended in the air. In the context of health and safety, mist is the suspension of chemicals and combustible liquids in the air, especially those possess threats to human health and safety. A classic example of mist is an aerosol spray.
Safeopedia Explains Mist
Mists of various mineral oils and chemicals are produced when these are sprayed or passed through narrow outlets, cracks or nozzles at a high pressure. Mists of some of the flammable and combustible liquids are corrosive, toxic or harmful in other ways. Some of them have dangerous chemical reactions in contact with human skin, organs or metal.
Many others are combustibles and, therefore, fire hazards. Harmful chemical or oil mists irritate eyes, skin and the respiratory system. Persons exposed to harmful mists should wash and clean exposed parts of the body immediately and breathe in fresh air. People working in a space containing mists should wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) such as a respirator and other protective clothing. Decontamination is required after leaving a harmful mist contaminated area.