
Consumer Chemicals And Containers Regulations

By Tabitha Mishra
Last updated: October 7, 2021

What Does Consumer Chemicals And Containers Regulations Mean?

The Consumer Chemicals and Containers Regulations, 2001 (CCCR, 2001) is a regulation put in place under the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act (CCPSA) to protect consumers from hazards posed by consumer chemical products. These products include consumer chemical products that are manufactured, imported, sold, or advertised in Canada.

In the United States, consumer products are addressed under the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s (CPSC) Federal Hazardous Substances Act (FHSA).

Safeopedia Explains Consumer Chemicals And Containers Regulations

The Consumer Chemicals and Containers Regulations, 2001 (CCCR, 2001) helps Canadians in making informed choices about the products they buy and use. Labeling and packaging are set out in the regulations that contain information regarding potential hazards posed by the product during use.

Chemicals and Containers

According to the CCCR, 2001 regulations:

  • Chemical product means a product used by a consumer that has the properties of one or more of the following:
    • A toxic product
    • A corrosive product
    • A flammable product
    • A quick skin-bonding adhesive
  • Container means:
    • A Category 5 pressurized container that is or is likely to be used by a consumer, including an empty container
    • An empty container that is destined for use by a consumer to store or dispense a chemical product
    • Any other container, that is, or is likely to be used by a consumer to store or dispense a chemical product

Consumer Product Labeling

A clearly labeled consumer product provides users with information to help them make better choices and use the products safely. The CCCR requires hazardous consumer chemical containers to conform to its unique symbols, prescribed hazard phrases, the use of French and English language to present the information, safety instructions, and first-aid statements.

CCCR, 2001 classification criteria are based on scientific assessment of hazards that may be posed by a product during use. In some cases, child-resistant packaging is required. The label is also required to disclose hazardous ingredients present in a concentration of 1% or greater.

CCCR, 2001 and Canadian Businesses

The CCCR, 2001 regulation spells out the essential information that must be placed on the label by the manufacturer. However, it is also advised that manufacturers, importers, and distributors also include any additional information that will increase the safety of a product.

The manufacturer or importer is also required to keep records relating to the classification of the consumer chemical product. The responsible person must “prepare and maintain all documents relating to the determinations required under subsection 4(1) and keep the documents for a period of at least three years after the day on which the chemical product or container is manufactured in Canada or the day on which it is imported”. If requested by an inspector to confirm compliance with regulatory requirements, the records must be provided within 15 days after receipt of the request.


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