What Does
Detonation Resistor Mean?
A detonator resister is a device that is fitted to the outlet of a hose, enclosure opening or pipe connection that has the intended purpose of preventing the transmission of flame at sub supersonic velocity. The process of flame arrest is known as vapor control. The two types of vapor control commonly used are carbon absorption vapor recovery and vapor destruction. Detonation resisters are used in many industries chemicals, pharmaceuticals, oil and power generation.
Safeopedia Explains Detonation Resistor
Detonator resisters do not have any moving parts. Instead, they use a metal matrix that is designed to remove heat from a flame as it moves through narrow passages. Flame arresters are intended to prevent an open fire spreading, limit the spread of an explosive detonation, stop a flame from propagating an confining a fire within a controlled location. They are extensively used on gas pipelines, Davy lamps used in coal mining and flammable liquors.