
Oxidizing Agent

Last updated: June 19, 2024

What Does Oxidizing Agent Mean?

An oxidizing agent receives electrons from other elements. Oxidization occurs during fires, explosive reactions, chemical synthesis and corrosion. Oxidization agents are not always combustible on their own, but may cause or enhance the combustion of other substances. Oxidizing agents must be labelled with an internationally recognized hazard pictogram indicating potential fire hazard.

Safeopedia Explains Oxidizing Agent

Oxidizing agents, like poisons are grouped into three groups. The classification is determined by comparing the burning time of solids as compared to a potassium bromate / cellulose mixture. Liquid oxidizing agents are classified according to the mean pressure rise exhibited as compared to certain other chemical combinations with the exception of certain Group 1 liquids, which are capable of spontaneous ignition when mixed with cellulose.

Industries are encouraged to seek the least hazardous oxidizing agents that will be functional in industrial processes, and must ensure that all processes and applications involving oxidizing agents are conducted in a manner that minimizes the risk of accidents. Oxygen, Hydrogen peroxide, Potassium nitrate and hypochlorite are examples of oxidizing agents.


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