What Does
Good Manufacturing Practices Mean?
Good manufacturing practice (GMP) refers to systems devised in order to ensure the consistent production and control of manufacturing in accordance with pre-determined quality standards. It covers all aspects of manufacture from raw materials to the manufacturing premises and staff activities. Comprehensive written procedures are applied to any process that may affect the end quality of the product. GMP requires that detailed records proving adherence to GMP standards. GMP regulations are laid down by the FDA and all manufacturers of food, medical or pharmaceutical products are required to adhere to them.
Safeopedia Explains Good Manufacturing Practices
Responsible staff members and managers must ensure GMP compliance. Since regulations and methods are subject to change, GMP is also occasionally referred to as 'cGMP’ or 'current good manufacturing practices,’ as a reminder that industries must continually update their knowledge and skills in order to implement the latest techniques and comply with new requirements on an ongoing basis. GMP guidelines are applied to hygiene, the prevention of environmental contamination, the control of the manufacturing process, procedures and record-keeping, the investigation of deviations from GMP regulations, distribution methods as well as the correct procedure to follow if drugs need to be recalled and the investigation of defects.