What Does
Tort Law Mean?
A tort is a civil wrong-doing that offers grounds for legal action. It covers wrong-doing that results in harm and that presents the basis for a lawsuit in which injunctions and / or damages may be claimed from the entity responsible for the tortuous conduct. Tort law aims to provide a means for redress and compensation claims on the part of the injured party and strives to act as a deterrent in similar instances of harm.
Safeopedia Explains Tort Law
With the emergence of mass production and advanced forms of industry, various workplace safety abuses occurred. Tort law proved ineffective in providing compensation for the surviving families of dead workers and did not provide adequate relief for injured employees. As a result, the Occupational Safety and Health Act was signed into law in 1970 in a bid to protect the interests of employees. However, tort law is still invoked in certain instances not covered by the Act. For example, compensation for the infliction of emotional distress or intentional assault is still covered by tort law.