What Does
Low-Quality Energy Mean?
Low quality energy is any form of energy which is dispersed and disorderly, and has less potential or ability to be utilized for work. It is directly contrasted with high quality kinds of energy. This perception of energy quality is linked to the concept of entropy, which is a measure of how disorderly a kind of energy may be. The more disorderly, the less useful it is.
Safeopedia Explains Low-Quality Energy
High quality kinds of energy have low entropy, thus can be converted into other forms of energy with great efficiency. High quality energy can be used for more difficult tasks and easier ones. Low quality energy can only be used for low quality tasks. Electricity for example is high quality and can be converted to heat, mechanical or electromagnetic energy with great efficiency and not much loss. Heat from burning fuel is a low quality energy, thus can only take care of tasks like water heating that are simple.