
Traffic Calming

Last updated: October 23, 2017

What Does Traffic Calming Mean?

Traffic calming is the deliberate slowing of traffic in residential areas, mostly with the use of physical measures including speed bumps, roundabouts, and raised intersections. Non-physical elements are also a measure used in traffic calming efforts. Traffic calming is used as an effort to reduce accidents by altering driver behavior. The main benefit is improved safety for pedestrians with the added benefit of added driver safety.

Safeopedia Explains Traffic Calming

The goals of traffic calming are to increase the quality of life and ensure the needs of people in the area who may be working, playing or living on the street or at an intersection are catered to. Added benefits of traffic calming include reducing pollution and heavy sprawl, aiding the flow of pedestrian traffic, improving public transit or cycle use and aiding in keeping streets tidy and attractive. Traffic calming is handled by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the U.S Department of Transportation (DOT).



traffic management

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