
OSHA 300 Log

Last updated: June 6, 2017

What Does OSHA 300 Log Mean?

An OSHA 300 log is a record of work related injuries and illnesses in a workplace that have occurred during a specified time period, usually within a year. By law, OSHA requires most employers to maintain an OSHA 300 Log. It may be kept in soft or hard copy form. If an employer is required to keep an OSHA 300 Log, he must produce it to the OSHA inspector during an inspection.

Safeopedia Explains OSHA 300 Log

Keeping an OSHA 300 Log is the employer’s responsibility. Separate logs are maintained in each establishment and the manager’s must determine what entries are to be made.

Most employers are required to maintain an OSHA 300 log, though there are some exceptions:

  • Employers that have 10 or fewer employees
  • Employers that are fall into the category as being exempt due to being low-hazard industries

Injuries that are to be recorded in an OSHA 300 Log include:

  • New injuries that are work related
  • Pre-existing conditions that are aggravated by the workplace environment
  • Accidents resulting in death
  • Accidents resulting in days away from work
  • Accidents that restrict an employee’s ability to work or requires transfer to a new job
  • Accidents that require treatment beyond first-aid
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Injury or illness diagnosed as being significant by a medical professional
  • Work related mental illness
  • Sharp metal and needle injuries contaminated by another’s blood or other infectious material
  • Work related tuberculosis
  • When a worker is removed from work under the provisions of an OSHA standard
  • Injuries suffered while traveling to and from work and home

The following injuries are not required to be recorded in OSHA 300 Log:

  • Eating and drinking incidents
  • Common colds and flus
  • Injuries involving blood donations
  • Injuries involving exercise programs
  • Injuries treated using first aid techniques

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