
Society For Occupational And Environmental Health

Last updated: September 19, 2014

What Does Society For Occupational And Environmental Health Mean?

Society for occupational and environmental health (SOEH) is a leading organization in the field of occupational and environmental health. It collects together the professionals in government and non-government organizations, industries, labor organizations and academic circles working for occupational and environmental health.

As per their own statement, its mission is to ‘reduce occupational and environmental health hazards through the presentation of scientific data and the dynamic exchange of information across institutions and disciplines.’

Safeopedia Explains Society For Occupational And Environmental Health

Society for occupational and environmental health (SOEH) was established in 1972 in New York in response to form a multi-discipline forum for academics, government policy makers, industries and worker representatives to formulate positions on public policy issues. SOEH members meet in annual conferences, usually in Washington, DC, on scientific and generic issues for public policy formation. It also sponsors technical workshops on various health related topics.

SOEH looks forward to provide additional mechanisms for addressing key upcoming issues in the field of occupational and environmental health. Its members are benefited from attending annual conferences at discounted rates with opportunities to meet and discuss issues with experts, enjoy free subscription to the SOEH bulletin and discounted subscription to American Journal of Industrial Medicine and the Annual Review of Public Health.


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