What Does
Permeation Rate Mean?
Permeation rate is the process by which a chemical moves through protective clothing/fabric at a molecular level. It is measured as the rate at which a chemical is transferred, in micrograms, through one square centimeter of the fabric in one minute. The unit is µg/(cm²·min).
Safeopedia Explains Permeation Rate
Permeation rate indicates the protective ability of personal protective equipment (PPE), namely clothing and the gloves. The resistance of such PPE is determined by measuring the breakthrough time and the permeation rate of the chemical through the fabric. Permeation rate also indicates whether the test fabric or rubber can be used and, if yes, for how long it would be effective. Permeation increases with the temperature. It can also occur through metals, ceramics and polymers. However, the permeability of metals is very low compared to that of ceramics and polymers due to their structure and porosity.